over the last few weeks I have made some time to sit and spin up some singles and dyed some merino tops to pair with them. Its been pretty hot here as well as busy as usual. So many things to get done! and never enough time to do them in lol.
Firstly I would like to share my Christmas present. Fibre of course and from some very rare breed sheepies. I was also spoilt with some bubblebath and also some Lindt chocolates which are my favourites.
These will be lovely to spin up and ply with a soft alpaca/merino blend that I will dye to match. Makes these purchased ones go so much further that way.
On the knitting front I have finally found some energy to actually knit again of an evening and am back working on the bands of Sarah's black jacket. Just reached the halfway point with the 1x1 rib band and must say that my new needles are making it a lot easier and quicker. Last year I bought Addi lace turbo needles in small sizes ie the ones with the gold tips and found it offered a lot less drag and were so much quicker. The Addi ones have a fixed cable but I bought the really long ones so they will be useful for any project I might like to do. I spied a set of large size Chaiogoo interchangables going out the door for a very special price so I grabbed them to finish off the collection. These needles are lovely to use and just as quick but they are a little more clicky (noisy) than the gold tips of the Addi. Never mind lol Lance will just have to turn up the tv a little when I really get flying with them.

As for actual fibre work I have been washing up nearly all those freebie fleeces I received a few months back so can get that all safely packed away in the shed. There is now a very useful reason why we have days in the 40's! Fluff dries in no time. I have also pinched mum's drum carder and blended a lot of fibre on it for her pre Christmas and will now be able to start on some of that stuff I washed up!
Here's some 19micron merino that I have dyed to spin and ply with some of the club fibre I have already spun up. So lovely, soft and smooshy.
Now here's a pic of the December club fibre and while I have enjoyed spinning it up I really don't want to ply the two together. The batts are quite arty and really don't want to ply it with its matching braid. If I decide to join the clubs again I might not worry about the batt one as they are very textured and it isnt really me.
Here are the November club fibres which look to be a much better match and depending on how the batt spins up I will happily put them together. I am still wondering if the December ones were a bit of a stuff up in the bagging process but thats okay.
Smaug club is also spun up and ready to be washed and put into use. I think I might have already shared this one but love it. The batt was highly textured and the braid a lot smoother but both matched beautifully. Smaug I believe is a dragon in a tv or movie series. Don't know much about it really but hence the dark, sparkly and firey colours.
There is also another 250gm bobbin of the shropshire sock blend finished and waiting to be washed and dyed. I have another bag of fibre to go and then I will dye it all up together and knit work socks for Lance.
This is currently on the wheel and nearly finished. A beautiful red blend of fibres from a friend on our facebook fibre group. Absolutely beautiful! I'm not sure if I will choose red or black to go with it yet.
Well I think that is a big enough update for now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy start to a wonderful New Year!